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Here's what some of our clients have had to say about us.



Metro Trains Melbourne


Denis Flores provided psychological services to this company for a period of 3 years from 2010. This worked involved design of psychological screening methodologies and the conduct of assessment centres for short listed train driver candidates. As well as managing the recruitment consulting process he personally conducted a large number of behavioural interviews. He also supervised the work of 5 other psychologists during 15 assessment centres during the period in question. His extensive knowledge of psychometrics and the application of psychological constructs was evident in all of his work. He also conducted numerous research studies to confirm the validity of the work that he carried out for us.


I would recommend Denis as a highly trained and experienced psychologist and consultant with many years experience which he demonstrated in his dealings with Metro Trains.


Peter Kellaway
Talent Acquisition & Assessment Manager

People & Performance
Metro Trains Melbourne





Feedback from Team Building Workshop

State Government Department

Victoria Australia


The positive feedback we received suggested that the team exercises were generally perceived as very good and definitely enjoyable and well presented. The objectives of the day were covered well although there was a suggestion that the issue of promoting change and acceptance of change could have been addressed in more depth. Most participants found the afternoon more enjoyable as they had an opportunity to be more involved in physical and hands-on activities. Most participants offered positive feedback regarding the quality and range of activities and comments generally centred on the issues of having fun and developing unity with the VGV team.


Participants also seem relieved that they did not have to sit through a presentation where they could only listen and not contribute to the information presented. The feedback we received also suggested that there was a general consensus that effective communication and team work was a desirable and essential element in the VGV work place and most participants felt that the team building day had appropriately addressed this issue.


Finally, it is important to know that most of these comments had emphasised that discussion regarding change and communication had already been raised in past team building days and that they felt it was necessary to follow these up.




Dr Nicholas Duck


Dr Nicholas Duck 12 Lucan Street Caulfield North Melbourne, Victoria 

April 17, 2015 

To whom this may concern, 

Denis Flores has been a colleague of mine for the past seven years. Denis mentored me as my placement supervisor whilst i completed my Doctorate in psychology and we continued our professional relationship when I commenced my career as a Human Factors Specialist. 

Denis and I worked together in conducting research and analysis in the area of health and safety where Denis was the lead consultant, overseeing the work for Energy Safe Victoria. 

For several years, Denis worked as the primary recruitment and selection contractor for Victoria's main rail operator, applying personality assessments for train drivers. He has also been actively involved in and run conferences, workshops, and presentations for various groups in the areas of Human Factors psychology and Organisational Psychology. 


Dr Nicholas Duck 

Registration Number. PSY0001127463 
























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